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W swojej ofercie mamy do wyboru tła fotograficzne wykonane z dwóch rodzajów materiału: standard oraz premium.
Materiały te zostały wyselekcjonowane przez naszą firmę w oparciu o ponad dwudziestoletnie doświadczenie w branży fotograficznej, dzięki temu tła fotograficzne z Pastelowych Marzeń posiadają wszelkie cechy potrzebne do profesjonalnej i komfortowej pracy dla każdego fotografa. Podstawowe zalety obu materiałów to: brak blików, lekkość, możliwość prania i prasowania materiału, bezwonność. Tła fotograficzne materiałowe wykończone są w taki sposób, żeby ułatwić pracę, jak i umożliwić wygodne przechowywanie. Szczegóły i wszelkie informacje znajdą Państwo w zakładkach opisowych w karcie produktu. W razie wątpliwości i pytań zachęcamy do kontaktu. Dane kontaktowe znajdziesz tutaj
Tła prezentowane w sklepie są produktami tworzonymi na Państwa indywidualne zamówienie i nie podlegają zwrotowi bez podania przyczyny, tym samym podlegają pod art.38 p.1 i p.3 ustawy o prawach konsumenckich. Istnieje możliwość zamówienia odpłatnej próbki materiału przed dokonaniem zakupu.
Please note that the physical background may differ slightly in brightness and color from the file in the store. This is due to the fact that each of you views the pattern on a differently calibrated monitor and with a different brightness setting. Some browse the store on a smartphone or tablet, where the contrast is enhanced. In addition, colors look different in photos using studio light and different in ambient light. The last thing that may differ between the pattern and the target photo taken by you is the processing method used. If you have any questions, please contact me. Contact details can be found here
Backdop properties:
- size: minimum size is 2.6 m2, while one side cannot exceed 3 m, and the other can be up to 10 m long,
- there are two types of material to choose from: standard and premium,
- standard material weight 205 g/m2: special material that does not cause reflections, does not come off paint, does not smudge, does not emit odors, material ideal for suspension systems, for nailing to the wall, for studio work, is slightly stiffer than premium material,
- premium material weight 300 g/m2: special material that has the advantages of standard material, i.e. does not cause reflections, does not come off paint, does not smudge, does not emit odors. It is distinguished by the fact that it is less prone to creases, more flexible, stretches easily, is easier to iron and releases moisture faster after ironing (using a steamer), which means that it is ready to work in no time. It is so malleable that despite the arc that is created on telescopic poles, it folds perfectly, without creating waves or creases (see the photo below). The material is ideal for working on tripods, for nailing to the wall, for work in the studio and on the go.
- both types of materials can be washed at 40 degrees without bleach,
- both types of materials can be ironed on the left side (depending on the iron, we recommend checking at a lower temperature and slowly raising) or using a shirt steamer on the print side (this is the fastest and recommended method), the premium material is easier to iron and you don't have to wait for it to return to its previous physical properties after ironing,
- light and easy to fold, they are ideal for small rooms and transporting by car.
No ripples or bends when hung on a telescopic pole that creates an arc when fully extended.
Premium Material
Easy to fold into a cube. After unfolding, very easy to straighten out and quickly ready for work.
Premium Material