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Backdrops Master Food

Backdrops Master Food

Due to our passion not only for photography but also for food, we have created a collection for youphoto backgrounds, thanks to which all prepared dishes can look delicious. It's a passionconnected us with Marta Klim, who creates fabulous dishes.
Get to know our backdrops

Get to know our backdrops

All our backdrops are made using materials specifically selected by our company based on twenty years of experience in the photographic industry. We use two main materials for our products and the first one is used to create a ‘walls’ based setup. It comes with a number of advantages and...
Prestige backgrounds created with passion

Prestige backgrounds created with passion

The need for new patterns inspired me to work. I wanted to create a new atmosphere in the pictures. There are so few backgrounds for young people in our market. The ones where the business world will also turn out unique. Now I know that portraits will not be the same anymore. New possibilities are...